Helping leaders excel and teams come together to achieve common goals resulting in higher performance.

Helping leaders excel and teams come together to achieve common goals resulting in higher performance.
Inspiring and emboldening female entrepreneurs and franchisors, fierce leaders, and powerful teams.
Grow your company.
Grow yourself.
Grow your team.
You want to be a boss, a leader who can affect greater, positive change, and elevate your influence. You're ready to learn and grow, but you need a guide and practical tools to help you. Red Bird Consulting delivers tools & services to help you reflect, learn and GROW. Together let's create a path for you and your brand!
Our mission at Red Bird Consulting is to embolden and elevate female entrepreneurs to open more opportunities for business ownership across female-driven brands and companies.
We help you grow your franchise through sales consulting, leadership guidance, and enhancing your culture by delivering practical tools and information customized for your company, and each individual, to build stronger teams for higher performance, greater strength in communication, and inspirational leadership to maximize your brand’s potential.
Sell your franchises
Develop your Franchisee lead system and vetting process
Strengthen your position in the marketplace by elevating your influence and leadership
““Men are developed the same way gold is mined. When gold is mined, several tons of dirt must be moved to get an ounce of gold; but one doesn’t go into the mine looking for dirt - one goes in looking for the gold.””
John C. Maxwell is an internationally respected leadership expert, speaker, trainer, coach and author, whose philosophy is simple: “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” For more than 40 years, John has been teaching people to answer their call to lead, to add value to and make a difference in the lives of others. He has devoted himself to developing and training leaders at all levels. John’s latest achievement is as founder of his globally acclaimed John Maxwell Team (JMT), an elite group of over 5,000 certified coaches, teachers, speakers, trainers and professionals who have helped people worldwide create a leadership legacy within their own spheres of influence. John Maxwell Team members inspire positive life transformation and help others achieve their highest vision and goals, both personally and professionally.
Our Curriculum
Developed through over 100 books with over 25 million copies sold in 50 different languages, John Maxwell offers content specific to growth, communication and personal development. Red Bird Consulting delivers this content through on-site workshops, executive coaching sessions and customized training specifically for your team and your circumstances.
— Marianne Williams